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—  Heal  —

It’s about you


Traditional healing practices were based upon; Nutrition, Movement Therapy (Yoga, Qi Gong), & Touch. That is to say that practicing yoga asana alone is not enough. In the same respect, eating healthy, locally sourced, nutrient dense foods, is not enough on its own to heal, or to keep the body in harmony. And while sitting around all day getting massages, or acupuncture treatments, sounds luxurious, it’s not the healthiest option for the body either. 

It’s time to do more for your body than YOGA



Holding patterns, like when nerves create knots in muscles causing tension, and pain, acupuncture needles can help ‘re-set’ the nerve helping to relieve the symptoms of pain. In the same respect acupuncture needles act like antenna from analogue TV sets, tuning the body to the correct station to help with recovery.


Herbal Therapy

We use our yoga practice to balance the functional movement of our daily lives. Traditional Chinese herbal formulas and supplements work in the same way on the internal organ functions. These herbal formulas have been used for centuries treating a wide range of symptoms. TCM views illness as an imbalance within the body that creates an overactive or under active immune response, herbs help to provide nutrients that reestablish a balance.


For online and in-person treatments